A WAR of words has broken out between councillors over the ongoing wait for the audited accounts of a Largs business model which operated in the town for five years.

Following a vote involving local businesses in 2012, the Largs Business Improvement District - BID - was launched, where businesses paid an annual rate depending on the rateable value of their premises towards the initiative.

The Largs BID brought food and classic car events to the town, pictured, and provided help to local businesses in terms of reduced utility bills and improved signage. The BID also co-ordinated events such as Largs Yuletide and Largs Live.

However, a group of 80 businesses signed a petition calling for a probe into its running, which resulted in two independent investigations.

But the validity of these investigations were called into question by critics of the BID. The petitioners argued that the investigation was a failure as the complainers were not involved beyond a preliminary meeting.

Subsequently, a campaign to set up a BID 2 to encompass corporate companies including transport providers and supermarket chains didn't get off the ground.

One of the critics, independent councillor Ian Murdoch, has raised the issue of the the lack of audited accounts in relation to the BID's winding up at the recent council meeting.

As recently reported, Cllr Murdoch says that businesses are still waiting for the audited accounts from the operating company of the BID, Largs Matters. despite the steering group standing down in February 2018.

Cllr Alex Gallagher pointed out that the council were only involved as a intermediary and suggested that Cllr Murdoch approach some of the directors of Largs Matters in relation to the issue.

Former BID director Ron Muir said: "I have spoken to Ian Murdoch on the matter - the accounts are away to be finalised and they should be released early in the new year.

"The matter is is in hand and will come to a conclusion shortly."

Cllr. Gallagher told the 'News': "Cllr Murdoch was one of the people who destroyed the BID and he seems to be very keen going back and poking at the dead body.

"He can ask for the accounts from the directors any time - the point is it is the responsibility of the BID directors and not the council - I think Cllr. Murdoch is just playing games. "The last BID was destroyed by people who weren't community minded."

However. Cllr. Murdoch insists he is only asking the question that a large number of businesses in the town are asking him.

He added that people lost trust in the BID because the accounts weren't transparent and accessible when asked for by people who had stumped up cash.

Cllr Murdoch commented: "Cllr. Gallagher was told on many occasions by many businesses that they weren't happy and the BID should change direction.

"He, as a councillor and economy portfolio holder, should have backed me and made sure the BID was open and transparent - something I pleaded with them to do when a director myself for a brief time.

"If this had happened, we might have had a BID 2."