AN ex-pat couple are heading 'home' after 15 years in Spain to follow their dream of opening a restaurant on Largs seafront.

Jim Stewart, 63, and partner Margaret Muir, 56, are taking over the former Cafe Guzzi and Toby's Bar in Gallowgate Street to create a brand new diner.

The couple were running a successful cafe in Spain and fell in love with Largs during a visit to Scotland in February.

They decided it would provide the perfect place for a new venture - and allow them to answer their longing to 'come home'.

Jim said: "We had been in Spain for 15 years and we everything about Scotland - except perhaps the weather!

""I was born in Dunoon and Margaret was nearby too. We met in Aberdeen and lived in Oban and Perth before moving abroad. I wanted a return to the west coast so in essence it feels like I am coming full circle by coming to the Ayrshire Riviera."

Jim added: "When we visited Largs in February, it actually felt like coming home as people kept chatting to us. We felt so welcome and it struck as as a very friendly place."

The couple have re-named the premises Indigo Eats - and hope their experience in the catering industry will stand them in good stead.

Margaret said: "We have been involved in the industry for 20 years and we are looking to provide good quality everyday food which is not over-priced.

"We are aiming at having 32 chairs outside al fresco, and with seating capacity inside, a total of around 90 covers.

"Everywhere we have been we have been successful so we are looking to keeping the same formula for Largs.

"We will be offering lots of traditional fare such as homemade soup, steak pie and pasta and we make our own burgers, which are a bit of a speciality for us. We have an excellent seafront location, so if we get the food right, we think we have the perfect recipe to succeed. We couldn't have asked for much better to be honest.

"When we visited Largs in February we noticed how busy it was even then, so hopefully that will continue through the summer.

"It is great to be back in Scotland and we can't wait to get started. Since coming back to Largs, it really feels like we belong here."

The premises are owned by Largs businessman John Corrigan, who had been looking for a new tenant after Cafe Guzzi closed last year. For many years it was Toby's Bar, but has had a number of changes since there.

Jim, however, says he is hoping to provide some stability.

He added: "We love the town already and we are hoping to be here for a long time to come."