VOLUNTEERS working to refurbish Millport Town Hall have hit the jackpot after securing a new grant from the National Lottery.

The charity is celebrating after being awarded £111,361 to support its work to repair and regenerate the historic island building.

Around £50,000 of the funding will go towards repairing the building’s roof while the rest will be used for general costs, including creating a community liaison officer to work within the overall project.

Treasurer John McNeilly says the cash will help with essential work on the building.

He said: “We are delighted that The National Lottery Community Fund has recognised our project in this way.

“Now we will be able to not only make some essential repairs but also provide jobs.”

The new funding will help the project move towards its final goal of providing a sustainable community asset for the next generations.

Angie McCallum, chair of the Millport Town Hall Charity, says the funding will make a big difference.

She said: “It is wonderful that we will be able to offer another person employment in a role that is 25 hours per week for two years.

“We have also been awarded funding for community events and volunteer training/information sessions that will be organised by our new island community liaison officer when appointed.”

Angie added: “This truly reflects the aim of the National Lottery programme that everyone in the community has the opportunity to influence and get involved in community led activity and that people are better connected and work together to improve their wellbeing.

“We have seen how wonderfully people pulled in the same direction last year and soon they will have a large central space to come together."