WALKING along the winding shorefront path from Largs town centre to the Pencil you will come across this small stone structure along the way.

It sits high above the path in the grounds of the former East Park Home, and stands out as a unique object in the town.

There have been many explanations for the strange miniature-castle over the years, with members of the online Largs History Group speculating on its origins and purpose.

The consensus from members is that the stone structure was built as a folly by the Lang family as part of the original Warren Park house.

It is thought to have been used as a summer house for children, which would have given unrivalled views over the Firth of Clyde.

It is understood that the structure was also used for a poorly child of the family to sit and shelter from the wind and rain while looking out over the views below.

The structure is believed to date back to around 1906, and is similar to one in the Burns Garden in Douglas Park.

However, several residents have also told their own stories and what they believed the structure was used.

Sandy Duff said: “I understand that it was built as a means for nearby residents to go down to the beach."

However, June Coburn believes that the structure actually has historical importance, and was well used by children in the former East Park Home.

She said: “I can remember my mother telling me that when she was at East Park Home when it was a sick children’s hospital, the gardener allowed them to sit in there and look over to Cumbrae.”