A LONG-RUNNING drainage issue that kept a well-used public toilet closed has finally been resolved.

The loss of the loos at Largs Pencil had angered local councillors, who voiced their discontent as they remained out of use for 18 months.

They claimed the closure of public conveniences was hitting tourism, with walkers unable to spend a penny on large stretches of the seafront.

Their closure meant people were faced with trekking to the marina or go in the other direction to Broomfields to find a toilet.

Councillor Tom Marshall said he was relieved to see the issue finally resolved.

He added: "This has a prolonged closure due to drainage issues.

"All the toilets along the seafront have suffered a similar problem recently and we have now been able to at least resolve the closure of the one at the Pencil, which given the increased numbers of walkers visiting, has been a bit of a headache.

"Unfortunately due to the Scottish Government reducing funding to local authorities, North Ayrshire Council decided in its wisdom to stop funding toilet provision.

"In retrospect this has been a bad decision as can be seen from the poor quality of the public toilets in Largs and the closure of some in Millport.

"If the council really wants to take tourism seriously it needs to rethink its position on this."

Independent councillor Ian Murdoch also welcomed the move regarding the re-opening of the Pencil loos.

He said: "There have been some historical issues with drainage which have now been attended to. It is good to see The Pencil toilets back open."

The seafront public toilets in the middle of town, as recently reported in the News is expected to cost around £100,000 to refurbish - a sum which has been described by Councillor Murdoch as 'astronomical'.

He said: "I have asked for more quotes for the work to see if we can see community wealth building in action and get North Ayrshire-based businesses involved in the overhaul."

The Largs councillor has also written a letter to the chief executive of North Ayrshire Council asking for a rethink on the management of public loos locally.

He said: "There are complaints to me regarding the condition of the public toilets in Largs on a daily basis.

"I am constantly asked about the poor cleanliness, lack of soap, toilet paper, drying facilities and bins. I also receive regular complaints about toilets not being open when they should be.

"The Largs Car Park Fund is used to finance the maintenance and running costs of all the public toilets in Largs. In my opinion, the council should be making sure they are clean and fully stocked with everything that is required."