West Scotland MSP Jamie Greene has called on the Scottish Government to end the requirement for facemasks in schools across North Ayrshire.

Ahead of the new school year beginning this month, the Scottish Government is said to be considering the removal of face masks in classrooms where possible.

Minutes from the Scottish Government advisory sub-group on education from late June indicate that the group discussed that face masks in classrooms should end when teachers are double jagged.

Conservative MSP Jamie Greene has also called for an end to self-isolation rules for children before the start of the term which he believes have been damaging for their mental health and education.

He says school pupils must be prioritised for further easing of restrictions, and believes that schools should go back to normality as soon as possible.

Mr Greene said: “Young people across North Ayrshire and Arran have already faced a year of upheaval and must be at the front of the queue for the relaxation of restrictions.

“The success of the vaccine scheme means that face masks in schools are no longer a necessity, as the SNP Government’s advisers have suggested.

“Masks have served their purpose in our classrooms, but it’s now time for the school environment to start to feel as normal as possible once again.”