There will be additional space on the Cal Mac ferries as of Monday August 9 due to the lifting of coranavirus restrictions across Scotland.

There will be no change to published summer timetables.

In her statement this afternoon, the First Minister announced that some protective measures will stay in place, including the use of face coverings indoors and the collection of contact details as part of Test and Protect.

Cunninghame North MSP Kenneth Gibson said:“Having previously made the case for further easing physical distancing requirements on ferries after securing a reduction from two to one metre in July last year, I am delighted at this development.

“This will allow Cal Mac to open up more spaces for passengers.

“While the move away from lockdown levels is a hugely rewarding milestone after all the sacrifices made to keep each other safe from COVID-19, I encourage everyone to remain mindful of the fact that the virus is still amongst us. Please take up your vaccination appointment if you haven’t had a chance yet to do so.”