Hundreds of pensioners on low incomes are missing out on the social security payments in Largs and North Ayrshire, a local MP has warned.

A staggering £332m of pension credit, designed to boost the income of older people on a low state pension, goes unclaimed every year. 
It is also the route to keep a free TV licence if you are over 75.
MP Patricia Gibson believes thousands more could be entitled to further financial support in later life.
Patricia said: "I am supporting Age Scotland’s new “Check in, Cash out” campaign, calling on local older people to find out if they are missing out on financial support available to help reduce pensioner poverty and live well in later life."
"It is truly incredible to hear that as many as 2,113 pensioners in North Ayrshire alone are missing out on pension credit and other vital social security."
Older people, their families, and carers can check that they are getting everything they are entitled to by contacting Age Scotland’s confidential 0800 12 44 222 helpline, and can check whether they are due council tax reduction, attendance allowance for those with a disability, carer’s allowance and support for energy bills are available but aren’t being accessed.