VOLUNTEERS at the Millport Town Hall charity have hailed the global 'love for the island' after smashing their fundraising target.

The organisation set out to raise £25,000 to fill the renovated building - which is set to be completed in 2022 - with kitchen equipment, fittings and furniture.

Charity chair Angie McCallum says she was stunned as more than £35,000 was then raised in only a month.

She said: “Our Crowdfunder has drawn to a close with a wonderful total of £30,803 and an estimated additional £4,918 in Gift Aid contributions.

“We are so happy and we really appreciate the support, which spurs on our volunteers. It’s been a long and hard journey but this really motivates us to keep on going.

“We have had pledges from India, New Zealand, Australia, the USA, Canada and from many all over the UK. It shows many people have a special place for Millport in their hearts.”

Supporters were given different rewards for their donations, including having their name on a brick in the building and a plaque in the yet-to-be-constructed garden.

Angie added: “The brick in the wall campaign was very well received and we managed to sell 70 of them, with a further 60 plaques.

“It was a brilliant amount and shows how people have nostalgic memories of the island and its town hall.

“It will be lovely for those people who have their names on the building to come and see them when renovations are complete next year.”

Construction work at the hall is now underway, with a grand opening expected next summer.

Angie added: “The building is well over 100 years old and there is so much that needs replacing after lying empty for so long.

“We have our fingers crossed for a kind winter so our contractors can get on with the building work as quickly as possible.

“It’s going to be a challenging renovation with some potential supply issues, but we are looking forward to reopening Millport Town Hall in 2022.”

For more information on the renovation and to support the charity go to www.millporttownhall.co.uk