A PAIR of Largs barbers have proved a cut above after raising over £2,000 towards a Largs youngster’s surgery fundraiser.

Ethan Stubbs and Brandon Greenwood, from Blackout Barbershop in Boyd Street, cut hair for free for a full day, as well as raffling prizes to help fund litle Alara Kavak’s bid to go to America for life-changing surgery that could help her walk for the first time.

The lads say the family are regular customers and they were inspired to give something back when they heard of the £80,000 charity drive.

Ethan explained: “We wanted to get involved because Alara’s brothers both come into the shop regularly and her dad Ozkan was actually one of the first haircuts I ever did.

“I know all the boys in the family well, so when we heard how much they needed to raise we just wanted to help out.

“We have a really good clientele in the shop so I knew we would get some good support, but I didn’t expect to raise as much as we did.

“We were hoping for about a grand but ended up raising £2,320, which was amazing.”

The barbers were kindly gifted signed tops by Liverpool star Andy Robertson and Scotland player Billy Gilmour to raffle off and cut hair on their day off with all fees going straight to Alara’s fund.

Ethan said: “I knew that if we charged a bit of a premium then people would still be happy to pay it - and if we could cut our usual amount in a day then we would raise a lot of money.

“I knew Billy from his time at Rangers, so I reached out and he happily obliged.

“One of Andy Robertson’s mates is also a regular in the shop so I explained about our fundraiser and he managed to sort us out too.

“The football tops definitely helped the total, but I think any raffle prizes would have been well supported by the community.”

The pair say they have been overwhelmed by the support and generosity of the public - and were delighted to get Alara along to the shop to draw the raffle winners.

Ethan added: “We raised £480 from the haircuts and the remainder from the draw, so we couldn’t have asked for much more.

“The two of us couldn’t have imagined this level of support.

“Ozkan brought Alara and her sister in to get involved in the draw and picked the winning tickets out for us.

“The whole idea couldn’t have gone better from start to finish and we are delighted to be able to contribute to the cause.”

Donations to Alara’s Little Legs fundraiser can be made at www.justgiving.com/campaign/alaraslittlelegs