Scottish Gas has launched a new £10 million prepayment meter customer support fund – a move welcomed by Cunninghame North MSP Kenneth Gibson.

The funding is targeted to help prepayment and vulnerable customers and comes in the form of a non-repayable prepayment meter credit up to £250 for those struggling with energy costs.

Scottish Gas will identify those who would most benefit for this and there is no need for customers to apply.

The company is introducing enhanced processes around assessing and identifying vulnerabilities to ensure support is targeted where it is needed.

The supplier also pledged to not remotely switch customers to prepayment meters this winter unless the customer requests it.

Scottish Gas has also vowed to ensure that those who are struggling with energy costs have smart prepayment meters to make sure any issues are identified quickly and support provided.

Kenneth Gibson MSP said: “In its latest budget, the Scottish Government committed £20 million to extend the Fuel Insecurity Fund to provide a lifeline for households against rising energy prices.

“However, we know that nonetheless, some prepayment customers are currently self-disconnecting and not coming forward for help.

“This is why I welcome this new targeted fund as part of Scottish Gas’ £50m support package contributing 10 per cent of energy supply profits to assist those who need help the most.

“If you are struggling to pay their gas or electricity bills, please contact your energy supplier.”

Further information about grants available for Scottish Gas customers can be found at