Rescue teams on Cumbrae were alerted on Friday night to a vessel adrift in the Largs Channel. 

The 30 foot wooden sailing boat had broken free of its moorings in Fairlie at the height of Storm Betty. 

The vessel was  being driven across the Largs Channel straight towards Cumbrae by easterly gale force winds.

Members of Cumbrae Coastguard Rescue Team spotted the unlit vessel still attached to its mooring buoy and watched as it struck the shore near Clashfarland Point around the time of high water.

A spokesperson said: "Upon breaking through to where the vessel had struck the shore, the vessel was found to be badly damaged by the impact, was partially submerged and had already started to break up.

"After confirming that thankfully no one was aboard and with weather conditions pinning the vessel to the rocks, it was agreed to revisit the vessel at first light to better assess the damage.

"The team subsequently returned to the location this morning to locate and recover any marine pyrotechnics and safety equipment if possible.

"Upon arrival, the vessel was discovered to have been dismasted and had broken up with significant wreckage along the waterline and scattered along the Cumbrae shore.

"A shoreline search revealed various items which were moved above the high water mark to be recovered by the owner."