FUND-RAISERS from the RNLI in Largs have been looking back on a busy and successful year - and looking forward to more success in 2024.

The RNLI Fundraising Branch recently held their AGM and reflected on a successful year and looked forward to more success in 2024.

The reports presented by officers and members of the committee at the AGM of the local fund-raising branch were all positive and showed the hard work done by the committee and other volunteers with good financial rewards.

The chair, Linn Munton, congratulated all those involved, thanked them for their help and support, and reflected on the 200th anniversary of the RNLI and the 60th anniversary of a lifeboat presence in Largs.

Largs and Millport Weekly News:

The past chair, Cathy Holgate, chaired the election of the committee and officers, all of whom were elected unopposed. S

he congratulated and thanked Linn for her hard work steering the work of the branch and read some minutes from the first AGM of the branch which were interesting and amusing!

Linn added: “We are looking forward to another successful year raising funds and spreading the word about the value of the RNLI in saving lives at sea."