TRAFFIC wardens issued 26 tickets in the space of a day to illegally parked cars on Cumbrae.

North Ayrshire Council took on the power of enforcing the area's parking regulations from Police Scotland on Thursday, March 28.

Following a 'soft launch' throughout the Easter school holidays, which saw warning notices issued rather than tickets, full enforcement of the regulations began on Monday, April 15.

However, drivers and tourists on the island - and elsewhere in the local authority - who break any of the rules on parking will be hit with a parking fine of £100 - reduced to £50 if it's paid within 14 days.

It was revealed at Cumbrae Community Council's latest meeting that traffic wardens paid their first visit to the island last month and successfully issued around 26 tickets to drivers.

READ MORE: New parking enforcement era in North Ayrshire...but are drivers taking notice?

An officer from Police Scotland said: "You may be aware that parking is no longer a matter for Police Scotland unless it is an obstruction. 

"The new traffic wardens have been over and when they were here for a couple of hours they managed to issue about 26 different tickets.

"When they come over again it will be equally as brutal. Parking that people previously got away with from the discretion of the people is not going to happen anymore."

The rules which can now be punished by a Penalty Charge Notice include parking on double yellow lines, in a disabled bay without a blue badge, on the pavement, in a bus stop or taxi rank, and double parking.

In Largs the rule of one hour's on-street parking in the town centre is also being enforced.

READ NEXT: Parking wardens make first appearance in Largs as enforcement regime begins

Island-based councillor Todd Ferguson has welcomed the new parking enforcement regime and says it has been a long time coming for the area.

He is now warning people hoping to visit Cumbrae during the tourist season to leave their car behind and come by foot.

He said: "The roll out of decriminalised parking enforcement across North Ayrshire and Arran has mainly been positive so far.

“Of course there were always going to be teething issues once we moved from the soft roll out to being fully operational, and I have been helping some residents with their concerns.  

“However, for far too long it has been a free for all with people getting away with parking on double yellows, in bus stops, loading bays, disabled spaces and across peoples driveways.

“Something needed to give and I am glad that the council have taken back control of parking enforcement.

“It is particularly relevant as we move into the busy tourist season. We want our towns and villages to be jumping with people as its fantastic for our local economy but on the same hand we need to ensure that people are parking appropriately when they are here. The same rules apply to locals as well.

Largs and Millport Weekly News: Island-based councillor Todd Ferguson has welcomed the new regime and says there would always be teething issuesIsland-based councillor Todd Ferguson has welcomed the new regime and says there would always be teething issues (Image: Newsquest)

He continued: “For Cumbrae particularly, I want to encourage more people to come by foot if they are visiting for the day. There is no need to bring the car across as we have an excellent bus service which will take you to a wonderful selection of shops, pubs, and places to eat.  

“If people are bringing the car across to the island, or when visiting mainland areas, then I would remind them to park appropriately and be mindful of the signs as the wardens will be out enforcing poor behaviour.

“In a perfect world nobody would be getting a ticket and I sincerely hope that is eventually where we get to because it means that people are parking legally which is a benefit to everyone.”

For more information on parking enforcement, see