Zoe McArthur was crowned the 60th Cumbrae Gala Queen on a historic day in Millport.

The clouds parted at 1.45pm after a torrential rain shower...just in time for the big gala occasion at the Garrison, when Zoe gained her sceptre in front of the adoring crowd.

And there was an excellent turnout from the public, as well as past Queens, as the special occasion went without a hitch.

As ever, the compere for the day was Robert Wilson, who provided a steady hand and a sprinkling of good humour to proceedings.

Zoe's mum Annie, who was Cumbrae Queen in 1992, says it was an amazing day for her daughter who was smiling from ear to ear and loved the whole day as the proud island tradition continues in style.

Largs and Millport Weekly News: Historic moment: Margaret Meechan performs crowning ceremony with Zoe McArthur the latest recipient in 60th anniversary yearHistoric moment: Margaret Meechan performs crowning ceremony with Zoe McArthur the latest recipient in 60th anniversary year (Image: Alan Cawley)

Margaret Meechan, who has been involved behind the scenes in the ceremony for many years, was given the honour of presenting Zoe with her crown in the historic moment.

She was flanked by her four maids of honour, Amalie Ratcliffe, Chloe Armstrong, Gina Yule, Polina Herasimova and Sienna Young, and by page boy William Thomson.

Annie said: "The weather was a bit iffy - it pelted down until quarter to two - but fortunately the weather stayed off for the start of the grand parade and the royal cars were able to have their roofs down.

"Robert Wilson introduced the big day and the marquee was full and the streets were mobbed. The town was really busy and it was marvellous to see.

"All the children, including maids of honour and page boys, handled themselves so well, and they were first class.

Largs and Millport Weekly News:

"There was a special gathering afterwards to celebrate with live music from Scott and Andy Watson."

Zoe's first official royal duty was selecting the raffle prize winners, and she will be expected to carry out a number of other royal duties throughout the year at the likes of the Millport classic car show and the island's annual raft race. 

Annie said: "Zoe had such a good day and really enjoyed it, and was handed a bracelet and watch set as a gift. It was quite overwhelming and so nice to enjoy."

Largs and Millport Weekly News:

The royal party also had an international flavour with Polina, one of Cumbrae's new contingent of Ukrainian residents, among the maids of honour.

Sunday's gala event coincides with a special exhibition commemorating 60 years of Cumbrae Queens, which opened last month.

The display includes pictures from the Largs and Millport News archives and images by the late Walter Kerr, who captured life on Cumbrae on camera for many years until his death in 2007.

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During the 50th anniversary celebrations in 2014, it was revealed that famous Scottish comic and film star Duncan Macrae, who starred as Para Handy in the first TV adaptation of Neil Munro's famous and much-loved books, had lived on the island and attended the very first Cumbrae Queen celebration in 1964.  

Joan Anderson was the first ever Cumbrae Queen, and her first dance at the town hall after being crowned was with the great actor.

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Thanks to Alan Cawley for the photographs.