A deep fissure which has emerged on a public footway close to the busy A78 has been reported to roads maintenance company Amey.

A hole in the pavement was first spotted on Saturday afternoon by pedestrians, who also spotted what appeared to be a large crack emerging, which snaked up the pavement for around 10-12 feet.

An eye witness said: "It is an important footway for walkers next to the busy A78.

"Amey were alerted over the weekend after it was spotted, and with the good summer weather, the area is becoming more popular.

"It is the route walkers and sometimes cyclists use if they want to stay off the busy main trunk road where the speed limit is at 60mph.

"It is something which could be a trip hazard and hopefully it will be speedily addressed."

Largs roads campaigner Archie Burleigh told the News he was alerted to the matter by a concerned member of the public, and reported the matter to Amey, who sent an investigation team to carry out an initial repair at the site.

The pathway route links up West Kilbride and Portencross to Hunterston Estate, and is close to the turn-off to Thirdpart Holdings.

Amey have been contacted for comment.