PUPILS from Largs Academy made a £3,000 donation to a North Ayrshire housing charity after winning school's philanthropy initiative.

Four out of a winning team of five S2 pupils visited local debt, welfare and housing advice charity, CHAP, in Ardrossan for help with their charity project.

The girls had recently come out top in their school’s 'Youth and Philanthropy Initiative’, (YPI); a powerful active citizenship programme, empowering young people to make a difference in their communities.

And as part of the initiative, the hard-working pupils organised a cake sale at the school.

They baked their own cakes for the event and went around local businesses in Largs to ask them to donate cakes.

The cake sale raised a total of £150 and the girls decided to spend the money creating care packages for local people in need.

Advice was also sought from CHAP before shopping and creating personalised gift bags containing hygiene products and small treats, such as chocolate, for those struggling to make ends meet.

The charity were left delighted after the girls also decided to donate their £3,000 prize money from the competition to further help people who need information and advocacy support on housing and housing related issues.

Ray Chaney, chair of the board of trustees for CHAP, welcomed the girls to meet with trustees and staff so they could express their pleasure and gratitude.

He said: “We were so impressed by the maturity and thoughtfulness of the team. Not only did they directly help our clients, but the prize for winning their school’s competition was a £3,000 donation from the sponsors, which the girls also chose to pass on to CHAP in support of our ongoing work within the community.

“Something like this brings real smiles to our faces and genuinely makes us feel positive about the future in the hands of young people such as these.”

Four out of the five pupils from Largs Academy hand over the cheque to Ardrossan-based charity CHAPFour out of the five pupils from Largs Academy hand over the cheque to Ardrossan-based charity CHAP (Image: CHAP/Ocean Consulting)

The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative was introduced to Scotland in 2008 by The Wood Foundation. Since then, it has engaged more than 310,000 young people who have taken responsibility for £6.8m of charitable giving. 

Each year, Largs Academy encourages all S2 pupils to take part in the YPI either enter individually or in groups. The aim is to choose a local charity, research it and build a presentation which, if successful, goes through to the final.

The winning team of Rose, Amelia, Alysha, Lily and Zoe were up against five other teams presenting to teaching staff, senior pupils and local business people.

Largs Academy teacher, Miss Tait said, “The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative is a great opportunity for pupils to gain skills, from organisation and planning to production and entrepreneurship.

"It is also great experience for building self-confidence, public speaking and presenting in front of an audience”.

The winning team of Rose, Amelia, Alysha, Lily and Zoe were up against five other teams presenting to teaching staff, senior pupils and local business people.The winning team of Rose, Amelia, Alysha, Lily and Zoe were up against five other teams presenting to teaching staff, senior pupils and local business people. (Image: CHAP/ Ocean Consulting)

CHAP will use the girls’ prize money to assist local clients through its Discretionary Fund; money that advisors can access when a client is in dire need of assistance.

Robin Ballantyne, who heads up CHAP’s school and community education programmes also praised the Largs Academy team, adding:  “I meet with many young people in schools, working with them to face the realities of life and money.

"Essential skills such as budgeting and money management can be taught but genuine empathy for, and understanding of the challenges that exist across the community is simply priceless.”