A LARGS councillor has hit out at the "appalling" lack of floral planting in the town this summer.

Tom Marshall said the cost-cutting move by North Ayrshire Council was "completely unacceptable".

Cllr Marshall says he was told by local authority officials that the lack of summer bedding in the town, and throughout the district, is the result of a cost saving voted through by elected councillors earlier this year.

(Image: Tom Marshall)

He told the News that he's been told NAC officials want to engage with community groups who might be interested in adopting a flower bed or planter and providing their own blooms.

Council bosses are believed to be identifying suitable locations in the area for some perennial plants.

In his email to council officials, Cllr Marshall said: "While we agreed to no budget for annual summer planting, we were told that there would be perennial planting in these beds, and I would be obliged if you would tell me when you're going to do this.

""It is totally unacceptable to leave these flowerbeds in such a state in the middle of a tourist town in the middle of summer.

(Image: Tom Marshall)

"Residents and businesses will be in uproar. I am completely staggered at this.

"As I remember the budget line was for circa £60,000, and yet we can spend this on employing officers on non-productive, non-public facing duties. .

"I am completely staggered at the attitude."

Speaking to the News, Cllr Marshall said: "It is ridiculous that the bedding areas in Largs have been left to look like this.

"I have spoken to some local businesses, and they will be going to war with the council over this, given that they pay all these high rates.

“The place is really looking let down by the lack of planting. It doesn't look attractive in the slightest.

“As the town is welcoming visitors this summer, it is not the image that should be portrayed.

Comparison shot: How Hyndman Green used to lookComparison shot: How Hyndman Green used to look (Image: Newsquest)

"Businesses will, quite rightly, be asking why they are paying their rates and the town is not being planted up."

Cllr Marshall said he planned to raise the issue at the next full council meeting, as well as bringing up the subject with the authority's chief executive, Craig Hatton.

A North Ayrshire Council spokesperson said: “At the budget meeting of North Ayrshire Council on February 28, 2024, elected members set the budget for 2024/25.

“In common with other councils across Scotland, difficult decisions needed to be made in order to set a balanced budget.

“One of the budget savings which was approved was to cease providing summer bedding plants and to work on a transition to perennial plants.

"“We continue to work hard within available budgets to ensure North Ayrshire continues to look its best and our Streetscene team has already planted perennials on Cumbrae and will start work on Largs promenade on Friday, 21 June. This is expected to be complete within seven days.

“In addition, we will be planting perennials at war memorials and cemeteries and have been working with local communities who have stepped up to adopt beds and planters throughout the district.”