PEOPLE on Cumbrae are being invited to have their say on the future of a former religious retreat on the island.

The College of the Holy Spirit, run by the Scottish Episcopal Church, closed its doors in November 2022 with the loss of seven jobs, amid mounting concern at the financial losses the retreat was running up.

And a public 'community consultation' event is now being organised as the church looks at potential future uses for the building.

Canon Alec Boyd, from the Cathedral of the Isles in Millport, said: "After the closure of the college at the Cathedral of The Isles following Covid, we have put in place a professional feasibility study to look to the future.

"This community consultation is an open invitation to everyone who is interested."

Professional consultants have been appointed to compile the study, and the community event is part of their work.

The event takes place at the college building on Thursday, June 27 between 3pm and 5.30pm.

It will be a chance for residents to meet the firm undertaking the work, and to see what they have done so far on the project.

The first presentation by the consultants will take place at 3.30pm.


(Image: Diocese of Argyll and Isles)

The church's Argyll and the Isles Diocese said at the time of the closure that it would not affect the mission or ministry of the Cathedral of the Isles itself.

The building has up to 16 bedrooms as well as a library and common rooms.

Both the college and the church opened in 1851 as a 'collegiate church', before the church was made a cathedral in 1879.

From 1919 to 1927 it was home to a group of nuns from the Community of St Andrew of Scotland.

The college later became a combination of a Visit Scotland three-star guest house and a Christian retreat, and was described as a centre for spiritual development and artistic expression for individuals and groups, and hospitality for guests and for the local community on Cumbrae.