Having reached the summer solstice, with the longest day of the year having just passed, I wonder how easy the first half of 2024 has been for you?

Has it been easy, or have there been some upsets along the way?

Living life to the full is easy to say, but in a world filled with busyness and distraction, living a life that is meaningful and abundant isn’t always easy to do. 

Yet, for Christians, we believe that this was one of the intentions of Jesus’ life with us. In the Gospel of St. John, Jesus declares, "I have come in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness."

The biblical understanding of fullness isn’t really about material wealth or success, which is good for us who don’t have these things. Instead, it’s about spiritual richness, deep relationships, inner peace, and a sense of purpose; growing your life through the grace and love of God.

I often find that the people who don’t value themselves, and therefore struggle to live their best life, are those who have problems with relationships, be they with members of their family or with friends.

Healthy relationships can definitely enrich our lives, but sometimes it’s difficult to forgive someone who has offended us. In saying that, if we want to live our best life, then maybe forgiveness is something worth considering?

As wonderful as it may be, unfortunately, living life to the full doesn’t mean you have a life free from challenges or setbacks. Jesus said, "In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

No matter who we are, we all have to face difficulties. But we can do so knowing that God can bring good out of even the most difficult of times.

If you are struggling to live the best life that you can, try trusting in Jesus and walk in faith.

Trusting in God's plan, even when it is not clear, and relying on His strength rather than our own, can help us get through this life with confidence and peace.

If we can do this, we will surely experience a life that is rich, meaningful, and glorifying to God. And I think living a full life like this will get us all through the remainder of this year.