GARDENERS in Largs are being urged to enter a garden centre's 2024 competition.

Entries are now open for the Cardwell Gardenfest 2024 gardening competition.

Last year, the Best Overall Garden prize was won by Hugh Gibson, from Largs, and the Best Community Garden Trophy was lifted by Largs Community Garden for their display on a disused railway platform.

There are seven categories in the popular contest and the winners of each category will receive a £50 Cardwell Garden Centre voucher, a trophy engraved with their name to keep until next year’s contest is held and a certificate.

The categories are best community garden; best wildlife friendly/wildflower garden; best planted containers; best hanging baskets; best young gardener for under 18s doing any type of gardening; best overall garden and best newcomer gardener for anyone who hasn’t entered Gardenfest for two years or more.

The contest is open to customers from anywhere in the west of Scotland. All you have to do to enter is submit a maximum of three photographs per category being entered.

Gardeners can enter as many categories as they wish. Entry photographs should be emailed to or posted to Gardenfest, Cardwell Garden Centre, Lunderston Bay, by Gourock, PA19 1BB, or handed in to the centre.

Entrants should include their name, postal address, email and phone contact details. The judges’ decisions are final.

The competition opens on Friday, June 14 and closes on Friday, August 30.

Cardwell director, Kieran Gallagher said: “This is a chance for gardeners to get some recognition for all the hard work they’ve put into their gardens.

“Every year we look forward to seeing the photographs of gardens that folks submit and we know there are some bloomin’ good gardens out there!

“No matter if you’re a green-fingered novice or an old-hand at gardening, if your garden’s your pride and joy, then enter Gardenfest and share the beauty you’ve created with everyone.”