THE team at the Largs Food Hub has issued a reminder to local households after nobody came along to take up their offer of free packed lunches on the first day of the school holidays.

The hub, at Largs Library, has 30 free packed lunches available for anyone of school age each weekday during the summer holidays.

But the hub team says all 30 free lunches went unclaimed on Monday, July 1 - leading to concerns that parents and children may not be aware of the initiative, which is being operated by North Ayrshire Council across the local authority area.

Secretary Margaret Whittaker told the News: "We have 30 packed lunches daily at the back of the library, kindly provided by North Ayrshire Council, but word doesn't seem to have got out as nobody visited this morning and we want youngsters to take up this opportunity.

"You can pick up the free lunches from the Largs Food Larder, at the back of the library, from Monday to Friday from 11am till 1pm.

"It includes a wee packed lunch including sandwiches, biscuits and fruit. 

"It is primarily aimed at children who are getting free school dinners but we won't turn anyone away who would like a free school meal if schoolfriends want to come together.

"It is a helping hand, a free service for the community that the council provides, so it is worthwhile taking up the opportunity."

The new Largs Food Hub opened at the back of Largs Library in February allowing families a cheaper shop to help make ends meet, and they are also offering the opportunity of the 30 packed lunches daily for kids.

Margaret added that since setting up in February, the community larder now has a steady membership of 57 people who visit at different times throughout the week.

"It is going really well," she said.

"People don't use it all the time, but it is open to anybody who can make good use of it in helping making ends meet.

"It is an important service for the community."

The community larder concept has been working in West Kilbride for several years, while a new 'Community Shop' offering the same service is opening up in The Garrison in Mllport this summer.