Visitors from as far afield as the Faroe Islands and Iceland are coming to Millport for a special summer school event which encompasses all religions.

Millport is set to be the location for a summer school for the Baha'i faith which is set to welcome over 100 people this weekend.

The event runs from Saturday July 20 until Wednesday July 24, and will be based at the Field Studies Council area.

There will be young families, children, and youths attending this year, with grandparents, friends and neighbours from the Scottish mainland, the islands, Wales, England and Scandinavia.


Lisbeth Thomson from West Kilbride is on the organising committee and is looking forward to welcoming so many from home and abroad to the event.

She said:  "We plan a beach clean-up, an Interfaith cafe, run by members of the Scottish Interfaith council,  classes for the children and youth and social activities. 

"I have been a member of the Baha'i faith since I was a teenager. I am now over 70 and it has proven to be a lifeline for me.

"It is wonderful the different people you meet and there is no prejudice, with people of all races and nationalities and people of all ages. They are a lovely group of people.

"Our main aim is unity and the promotion of unity to all mankind. 

"We feel that religion should not separate but bring people together.

"We have a Scottish interfaith group with people from other religions coming too.

(Image: Newsquest)

"We also believe in giving back to the community, and that is why we will be organising a beach clean.

"It is great we have so many coming from all over the British Isles, including Skye and the Western Isles.

"There is a great mix of people coming and we are all looking forward to the big trip to Millport."

The principal Baha'i beliefs surround the essential unity of all religions and the unity of humanity.

Baha'i is a belief that all the founders of the world’s great religions have been manifestations of God and agents of a progressive divine plan for the education of the human race.

Despite their apparent differences, the world’s great religions, according to the Baha'i, teach an identical truth.