Multiple 999 calls were made concerning two kayakers in distress on the Firth of Clyde as the busy summer season continues for Largs Lifeboat.

The volunteer lifeboat crew rushed to the scene of the Gantocks near Dunoon on the evening of Thursday, July 25 at approximately 10pm.

This followed reports of two males who had been seen kayaking and were then in the water and trying to return to shore, with their kayaks nowhere to be seen.

As the crew arrived on scene they were contacted by UK Coastguard stating one male had made it ashore and had been met by members of Dunoon Coastguard Rescue Team, and the second male was spotted by a crew member walking out of the water, who was also met by the onshore Coastguard team.

Due to the kayaks not being recovered, the Lifeboat Helm advised the UK Coastguard he would like to perform a quick search in order to reduce the risk of further call outs if a concerned member of the public had found or seen them.

After a brief time, the crew did in fact find a buoyancy aid, a paddle, and a partially submerged kayak.

RNLI crewman Kieran Gregory said, “The two males involved in tonight’s rescue were very lucky that so many people had spotted them when they got into difficulty, this allowed a swift response from all rescue services and vessels in the vicinity.

"Neither had means of alerting the emergency services to advise of their predicament and with this I would like to advise any water users here or around the coast to always ensure they have a means of contacting the coastguard if anything happens to them."