A cable car viewing platform and improved provision for water sports are among the suggestions that have come in from the public so far in relation to future projects to benefit Largs.

Residents are being urged to contribute their thoughts to a new ‘Place Plan’ setting out what the community wants the town to look like in a decade’s time and beyond.

Responses collated so far unsurprisingly include improved parking, as well as enhanced public toilet provision and opportunities for tourism.

Largs Community Council (LCC) wants to hear from local residents as they draw up a Place Plan, which will set out the community’s priorities for residents, businesses and visitors.

When the Place Plan, under the slogan 'Making Largs Better', is finalised, it will be submitted to North Ayrshire Council to be considered as part of the next local development plan for the whole of the local authority area.

The event takes place between 5pm and 7pm on Thursday, August 15 and members of Largs Community Council Place Plan sub group will be available to discuss any and all ideas and suggestions for 'Making Largs Better' at the café seating area in the Vikingar!.

Your chance to shape the future of Largs with new visionYour chance to shape the future of Largs with new vision (Image: Ian Dalgleish/Largs News Camera Club)
Frank Alexander, who sits on the Place Plan committee at LCC, said: "Some examples of areas that we are currently looking at are improved parking, enhanced toilet facilities, heritage, rail, cruise liner, and coach tourism.

"Cable car viewing station, play park improvements, community hub, provision for water sports such as canoe, cold water swimming, scuba diving areas, paddle boarding, fishing., signage, cycle and walking routes have also been asked about.

"The new place plan contains a vision with community priorities of what Largs could be like for residents, businesses and visitors over the next 10-15 years, by tackling particular issues that could impact the community.

One Vision: Frank Alexander is looking forward to hearing people's future hopes for Largs during the next 15 years and what they would like to seeOne Vision: Frank Alexander is looking forward to hearing people's future hopes for Largs during the next 15 years and what they would like to see (Image: Frank Alexander)

"We therefore urgently seek your views about development and the use of land and buildings within the Largs area.

"So come along and tell us your ideas and suggestions as to how we can improve Largs for the benefit of our community, business and visitors over the next 10 to 15 years.

"The objective is to complete the Largs draft place plan by November of this year so we can submit it to the council and if they accept what we put in it, it will be put in file, in relation to land and property developments in future, and will be taken into consideration in relation to any future planning applications.

"We are creating a vision of what Largs could look like in the next 10-15 years on the assumption that there is an unlimited fund of money to carry that out, so we are basically looking for a vision.

"Our committee have been carrying out the consultation and asking the residents, businesses and community groups what their views are.

"We hope that this event at the Vikingar Cafe on Thursday between 5pm and 7pm can be well supported, and if anyone is interested, they can also attend the community council meeting which will be discussing local matters between 7pm and 9pm in the Valhalladrome."