THE Organic Growers of Fairlie are hosting a free workshop to explore the concept of citizen science.

The event takes place on Friday, October 18 from 10.30am till 12.30pm.

Participants will learn how to effectively record and identify wildlife, understand why local wildlife recording is so important and take away the skills and confidence to take part in or arrange citizen science activities of their own.

Citizen science is an excellent way for people to engage with the local environment and make a difference by collecting and recording vital information about nature. Across the world, volunteers gather a wide range of data used to understand, protect and improve the environment.

The workshop helps develop an understanding of a range of simple and accessible citizen science projects.

For the groups and individuals who take part there are lots of benefits to getting involved: improving physical health and mental wellbeing, developing a connection to nature, increasing skills, and promoting lifelong learning.

The event is free and tickets can be accessed via the Eventbrite website here.