AYRSHIRE MSP Katy Clark has expressed concern over new health statistics that reveal higher-than-average levels of obesity and poor diet among adults in Ayrshire and Arran.

The West of Scotland Labour MSP is calling for immediate action to address the worrying trends.

Key statistics from the Ayrshire and Arran region revealed in a factsheet released by Obesity Action Scotland show some 70 per cent of adults are overweight or obese, exceeding the national figure of 67 per cent.

Meanwhile, 34 per cent of adults have obesity, compared to the national average of 29 per cent.

Only 15 per cent of adults meet the recommended daily intake of five portions of fruit and vegetables, far below the national figure of 22 per cent.

Average daily fruit and vegetable intake is just 2.7 portions, well below Scotland’s national average of 3.4 portions.

MSP Katy ClarkMSP Katy Clark (Image: Contributed) It was also found that 61 per cent of adults meet physical activity guidelines, slightly under the national average of 65 per cent.

She said: “These statistics paint a worrying picture of health in Ayrshire and Arran.

“The higher levels of obesity and poor dietary habits in our region are leading to long-term health risks, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

“It’s crucial that we take swift, meaningful action to promote healthy eating, physical activity, and public health support in our communities.”

Ms Clark is now urging the Scottish Government to increase funding for local health initiatives, improve access to affordable healthy foods, enhance physical activity programs and tackle poverty.

She added: “Ayrshire deserves better. We need to give our communities the tools and support they need to live healthier, longer lives.”

The Scottish Government have been approached for comment.