CHILDREN from Douglas Park Nursery didn't have too far to go as they got the opportunity to explore the great outdoors.

They have been growing pumpkins from seed in the park and inspected them to see how big they had grown.

Everyone discussed how far the stem had travelled from where the plants were originally to where the pumpkins have actually grown.

The youngsters also spoke about the different colour cycles the pumpkins go through before they are ready to detach.

Green for go: Children enjoyed the opportunity of sunshine and learning in the great outdoors of Douglas ParkGreen for go: Children enjoyed the opportunity of sunshine and learning in the great outdoors of Douglas Park (Image: The Douglas Park Project)

After all of the pumpkin excitement was over for the day, a book was selected from the library and everyone sat in the sunshine for a well deserved story.

A delighted Caroline Le Good Morgan, who is one of the volunteers involved in Douglas Park, said: "Isn't it wonderful to see how much the children of the Douglas Park Nursery get from visits to the park?

"They have been growing pumpkins from seed and it was great that they came to check on the pumpkins' progress.

"They also enjoyed story time which I know is a favourite activity, often listening to a story from the wee book exchange."