MEMBERS of the Largs Probus Club were treated to a fascinating illustrated talk on 'Glasgow’s Treasures' - mostly of the architectural variety.

The speaker, David Walker, possessed a wealth of knowledge on the history of the city, together with the skilful eye of a talented photographer to record the city’s buildings.

Armed with his cassettes of 35mm colour slides, David's visual tour of many Glasgow landmarks, and his explanatory narrative was interspersed with humorous, or even downright hilarious, stories from the city’s past.

There were so many treasures to choose from, and as this was only David’s 'Glasgow Treasures Part 2', members will look forward to part three and beyond.

David concluded his talk with a reminder of the full version of Glasgow’s famous motto 'Lord, let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of the word', and his suggestion of its modern day counterpart, 'What Glasgow says today, the rest of the world will try and pronounce tomorrow'.

Largs Probus Club will next meet in the Willowbank Hotel on Wednesday, October 2 at 10am when Anne Garry will speak on the charity Sight Scotland Veterans.