AYRSHIRE Fiddle Orchestra brought the summer season of music to a close at the Cathedral of the Isles in spectacular style on Sunday, September 29.

The famous orchestra, which has played for 40 years and has performed in many different countries, completed the season which has seen over 15 concerts taking place in the cathedral.

Wallace and Lex Galbraith founded the Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra in August 1982 with the aim of encouraging and developing Scots fiddle music among local young musicians. 

Another string to their bow: Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra spectacular within the cathedral was a full houseAnother string to their bow: Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra spectacular within the cathedral was a full house (Image: Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra)

It was an added highlight to Millport's illuminations weekend celebrations which saw a host of traditional pastimes and activities take place on the island.

An Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra spokesperson said: "It was a great concert at the beautiful Cathedral of the Isles on Cumbrae last weekend.

"The church was packed full, every seat that could be found was used! Thanks to former Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra cellist Luke Duncan for organising!"

(Image: Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra)

It was another memorable scene attracting some of the cream of classical music from around the UK and beyond, with all the events free of charge to attend with a retiring collection afterwards, on most Sundays throughout the summer months.

Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra has developed a well-deserved reputation for producing some of the most entertaining fiddle music in Scotland and are continually offered musical engagements not just in Ayrshire but throughout Scotland and beyond.