Gus Mackay, Parish Assistant, Cumbrae and Largs

There are not many things that I can boast about living in Dalry but at one time we could boast about having a Michelin Star restaurant located just outside the town. It came under the postcode for Dalry so we claimed it as our own. It was called Braidwood’s but unfortunately, like many businesses it did not survive due to Covid. A food critic for the Glasgow Herald ranked it as one of the top three restaurants in Scotland. The only negative thing he had to say was that you had to go through Dalry to go to it – cheek!

Having visited Braidwood’s a few times, I agree that the food was excellent and worthy of its Michelin Star status. But would you believe me if I told you that the food I ate was not the best food I have ever tasted. Would you believe me if I told you that the most satisfying meal you can ever eat is bread and water. However, not any ordinary bread or ordinary water because when you eat this bread and drink this water you will never go hungry or be thirsty again.

This is bread and water that you will not be able to buy at the bakers or the supermarket. In fact, this bread and water is completely free. It’s special bread and special water because it is actually a person the we are encouraged to feed upon and that person is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus in his claim to be the living bread was reminding his listeners that there are two kinds of bread, food for the body which is necessary and food for the inner person, the spirit, which is essential. Jesus is telling us is that it is not food that we need but life and life is a gift. Food only sustains life but Jesus gives eternal life.

It is the same with water. To come to Jesus and drink means to believe in him and to enter into a trusting and ongoing personal relationship with him. Water for drinking is also a symbol for the Holy Spirit in the bible. So, just as water satisfies thirst and produces fruitfulness, so the Holy Spirit satisfies a person’s inner spirit and enables them to bear fruit that lasts.

Why not come and taste and see that the Lord is good!