A WAR of words has broken out among North Ayrshire MSPs after the Scottish Government announced ferry fare increases from next year.

Constituency MSP Kenneth Gibson, who represents both islands of Arran and Cumbrae, has hit back at Labour MSP Katy Clark and Conservative MSP Jamie Greene, pointing out that ferry fares are much lower than they were 10 years ago.

We reported earlier this week how both Mr Greene and Ms Clark had lambasted the planned 10 per cent rise for 2025-26.

But Mr Gibson responded: “Baroness Clark and Mr Greene seem blissfully unaware that, following the SNP government’s introduction of Road Equivalent Tariff (RET), backed by £25 million this year alone, ferry fares are much lower now than a decade ago.

“Originally, the Clyde islands were excluded from RET, however, after I persuaded the SNP Government to include them, fares were slashed, boosting passenger numbers by 40 per cent.

“In summer 2014, it cost £49.50 to take a car over to Arran on a single journey from Ardrossan to Brodick. Even with next year’s price rise it will be less than half that - £20.46.

“A passenger next year will pay £5.06, compared to £6.75 in 2014.

“Had fares risen with inflation from 2014, those fares would be £66.08, and £9.08 respectively.

“A return trip from Largs to Cumbrae was £20.55 for cars and £5 for passengers. Next year it will be £16.72 and £4.40. Again, less than a decade ago.

“Labour had eight years in control of ferry fares and allowed them to rise year on year, choking our island economies.

“I don’t recall Baroness Clark mentioning the 'financial burden' on islanders during the decade she was an MP, nor arguing in favour of RET.

“Investment in ferry services is £434.5 million this year. Somewhat more than the £89 million in the year we took office from Labour.

“It is absolutely true that the current level of service is not acceptable. CalMac, CMAL and Scottish Ministers are working to deliver a more robust, reliable and resilient service.

“As for the 'real solutions' Baroness Clark mentions, what are they? Do her Labour colleagues at Holyrood share them and how will they be funded?”