WEST Kilbride's SWI helped to crack the enigma code following an interesting talk on Bletchley Park.

There was a good attendance at the meeting, as speaker Sandy McWhirter gave an interesting talk outlining the early work on decoding the enigma cyphers especially that done by the Poles.

He then went on to describe in more detail how the enigma worked and why it was so difficult to crack the codes. Carol Bayliss gave the vote of thanks.

After tea, the raffle was drawn and the secretary, Margaret McIntyre updated the members on upcoming events and Carol added information on the federation show.

President, Alison Bauzys told the meeting about the success of West Kilbride in the Ayrshire Ruralympics competition when two teams got through to the national final.

(Image: West Kilbride SWI)

The competition winners were as follows:

Something from Nothing - Marleen Middleditch

A Wartime Recipe - 1. Margaret Finn 2. Heather Crawford 3. Marleen Middleditch

Item Reflecting War or Wartime - 1. Lorraine Corrigan 2. Lizbeth Thomson 3. Margaret Finn.

West Kilbride SWI will be holding a fashion show by The Dressing Room from Saltcoats, in the Village Hall on Friday, November 8, at 7 for 7.30pm.

Tickets are £5 each from committee members or at the door – if there are any left. Bring your own drinks and nibbles.

Proceeds to West Kilbride Community Initiative and West Kilbride SWI funds.