If I had to ask you what has been the best day of your life up till now, I wonder what answer you would give me.

It might be the day you got married, or the day you became a parent or a grandparent for the first time.

It might be the day you walked your daughter down the aisle on her wedding day. It may have been the day you gave your life to Jesus.

Or it might have been the day the Oncologist told you that you were now cancer free.

I’m sure everyone of us can think of a day up till now that was special and we would say was our best day so far.

I was told by someone that when a friend they knew, who was a believer in Jesus, when asked this question was told that their best was still to come because their best day will be their last day.

The reason they gave was because that’s the day they will leave this world behind and be with Jesus in glory. Their old weary worn-out body will be renewed and instead of being a poor imitation of Jesus they will now be like him, perfect and without blemish or sin.

His own death was something that was often on the mind of the Apostle Paul. He tells the Church in Philippi that for “him to live was Christ and to die was gain” also “to be with Christ is far better”.

He tells Timothy about the crown of righteousness that he will receive when he meets up with Jesus. Paul was willing to suffer so much for the gospel because he knew that nothing in this world would compare with the glory of heaven.

It's the Apostle John who gives us a clear picture of what every believer will experience in the new heaven and the new earth. Look at what will all be gone; tears, death, mourning, crying and pain – never to be experienced again. All of this will only become a reality when we draw our last breath here on earth and are raised up by Jesus.

This is why the last day of a believer in Christ will be their best day ever. Many have experienced that day already but will your last day be your best day ever too