A NIGHT out looking at the stars and finding out more about our nearest celestial body is on the cards at Castle Semple in Lochwinnoch on Monday evening.

There are still a few tickets left for Monday's Dark Sky Evening at Castle Semple Visitor Centre on November 11.

 The topic is the Moon and the event will run from 7:30-9pm. This event is run by John Pressley from Coats-Observatory in Paisley.

A Castle Semple spokesperson said: "Planned is an in depth look at the Moon, which will be visible in the night’s sky and if not, an indoor lecture where John will take questions from the audience.

"Delve into some of the history behind the exploration of the moon, its craters and other impact sites visible sometimes with the naked eye or through binoculars."

Tickets are £9.50 and include a hot drink and a biscuit.

Book online here for tickets.