WEST Kilbride SWI’s annual fundraising fashion show was held on Friday, November 8 in the Village Hall.

Tickets were all sold before the event and it was a great evening.

Clothes and commentary were provided by The Dressing Room from Hamilton Street, Saltcoats and the garments were modelled by volunteers.

Image: Kirsty DavisAfter the show there was an opportunity for shopping as well as plenty of conversation and socialising.

The evening closed with the raffle, and the star prize was a voucher for the Dressing Room.

The vote of thanks was given by Carol Bayliss to all who had contributed to the success of the evening.

The final sum raised is not available yet but it is expected to be over £1,000 to be shared between the West Kilbride Community Initiative & WK SWI.

The next meeting of West Kilbride SWI is on Wednesday, November 20 which will be a Fun Night.

The competitions will be: A Christmas Tree Decoration 3 x Domino Biscuits A Dingbat.

At the meeting they shall also be taking names and money for the Christmas meal on Wednesday, December 18 at 6.30pm for 7pm at West Kilbride Golf Club.