THE highly anticipated new Glen Sannox ferry was a surprise visitor at Fairlie Quay over the weekend.

Its berthing gave villagers a closer look at the vessel as it undergoes sea trials before it is set to begin service on the Arran route in January.

The ferry was finally delivered to government agency CMAL last month after several years of construction delays at the Port Glasgow yard.

On sea trials, and passing the Isle of Cumbrae, with Millport in the backgroundOn sea trials, and passing the Isle of Cumbrae, with Millport in the background (Image: Tom Lennon) The ferry will operate between Brodick and Troon Harbour - switching to Ardrossan if or when a new upgrade of the harbour there is approved and completed.

The Ferguson Marine officials said they are targeting a handover date of September 2025 for Glen Rosa, the second CalMac vessel being built at the yard.

Glen Sannox at Fairlie QuayGlen Sannox at Fairlie Quay (Image: Tom Lennon)

The cost of work to build the two 102-metre long ferries has more than tripled from the initial price of £97 million and they are more than six years late.