Letter writer Paul McKay has voiced his frustration at the Largs seafront car park which he has labelled "a complete failure" after a recent experience.

 I had a bewildering experience at the seafront car park last Thursday.

The barrier has been removed so I drove in and parked. I thought the car park was now free as there were no signs to say otherwise.

A friend nearby disabused me of that notion.

I had parked at the North end of the park so looked for a pay machine but could not see one. I followed the friend to the south of the park - some 300 metres away - to the pay-station.

The machine demands your registration number - I remembered most of mine but got one digit wrong. It then asks how long you intend to stay - I pressed the button.

It only accepts credit/debit cards so I looked for the slot - in vain.

It has some device that I had not seen before to place your card against then finally warned the ticket must be displayed on the vehicle.

This raises a number of questions.

Why is the car park not free to use after 6pm?

Why does it need the registration number if you have to display the Ticket?

Why do you need to display the ticket if it has your registration number?

Why is the printed ticket so faint and the writing so small that I couldn’t read it?

Do the Wardens patrol after 6pm?

Why is there not two or three Pay Points for so large a car park?

Why not use the same machine as Belman’s Close Car Park? Or is this a secret? (One department at NAC not talking to another?)

I know NAC has done its level best NOT to employ someone the manage the car park and has spent a fortune on failed technology. But this latest bodge is a complete failure.

Paul McKay
5 Phillips Avenue, Largs

For more on this story, go to: https://www.largsandmillportnews.com/news/24388898.councillor-warns-car-park-embarrassing-losing-money/