WEST Kilbride swimmer extraordinaire Andy Donaldson is in the Big Apple and has completed his world record bid.

The marathon swimmer took on another huge challenge on September 19 in what he described as one of his most exciting swims yet - the '20 bridges swim' around Manhattan island.

The 45.9km swim through the city that never sleeps has been a dream of Andy's for years.

He said: "It’s a challenge that’s about more than just speed and endurance - getting the tides and currents right, and then positioning yourself to take advantage of them, plays a huge role in a successful swim.

"The current world record is five hours 44 mins held by Oliver Wilkinson - an incredible time which averages around 8km/h, and I've set this as my goal.

"It's a big aim, and it’s always nerve wracking to share your goals - especially with so many uncontrollable factors going into this one, like weather, tides and currents.

"But on paper, we have a chance. I’m ready to give it my all no matter what."

Andy completed his epic 45.9km swim in a time of five hours 41 minutes and 48 seconds, and is a new world record holder pending ratification.

Responding to the effort, Andy said: "Well, we did it team! 45.9km of fierce tides and swirling currents around the city that never sleeps – a massive challenge and a new world record (pending ratification).

"We gave it everything, physically and strategically, and I couldn’t be prouder of our incredible team – Jay, Pete, Alex, Sean, and Juan. You were all phenomenal, and it was an honour to be out there on the water with you.

"More updates coming soon, but thank you all for the amazing encouragement and support!

"We did it, team. What an experience!"

Andy added: "Thank you to the NYOW team for the opportunity.

"And a big thanks to you all for the support! Cannot wait to get out there on the water with you guys and give it everything."

Andy is already a three-time world record holder with records including the fastest time to complete the 'oceans seven' marathon swim challenge, and the fastest swim across the Cook Strait - the waters between New Zealand's north and south islands.